Birthday Giveaway

It's my birthday this month and I wanted to do a big giveaway. But my birthday is just before Christmas and I kept thinking that if you wanted any of the things I'm giving away, you'd want them BEFORE Christmas. So...I'm doing my big birthday giveaway today!

I'm giving away several books, generously donated by Deseret Book. And I'm giving away a pair of holiday Minnie Mouse ears generously donated by my friends at Get Away Today.

Let's get started. To be fair, I'm going to do a rafflecopter for each of my giveaways. That way, if you win one thing, that's what you get!

Giveaway #1 - The Secret of the India Orchid

Anthony Blake, the Earl of Wilshire, is in love with his best friend's sister, Sophia Elliot. But his plans to court her are put on hold when he is forced to resume his role as an undercover spy for the Crown. A secret document listing the names of the entire network of British spies—including his own—has been stolen. To protect Sophia, Anthony cuts off all ties to her and exchanges his life as an honorable earl for the facade of a flirtatious playboy.

Heartbroken and confused, Sophia travels to India, hoping to find healing in one of the most exotic regions of the British Empire. But the exotic land isn't as restful as she had hoped. Instead, she finds herself embroiled in a mystery of a missing sea captain, a possible murder, and a plot that could involve the prince of India. And when Anthony appears at the British Residency, asking questions and keeping his distance from her, she is stunned.

She still loves him, and, in her heart, she knows he loves her too. But how can she rebuild her relationship with him if he won't confide in her? Does she dare offer her heart to him a second time, or will their love be lost under the India sun?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #2 - For Love or Honor

From the moment they met, Marjie's heart has belonged to handsome Captain Stanley Jonquil, younger brother of the Earl of Lampton. But six long months ago, when Stanley's sense of honor required that he do as he had sworn and return to the Continent to fight in defense of King and country, neither Stanley nor Marjie could have dreamed what the cost of his service would be.

It has been ages since Stanley last wrote, and Marjie and the Jonquil family are plagued by his unknown fate—until the day he unexpectedly reappears. Marjie's joy, however, is quickly shadowed by confusion—the aloof, battle-worn soldier before her is not the man he once was. In the wake of Stanley's blatant disinterest in renewing their acquaintance, Marjie's devastation turns to determination as she vows to help him find peace. But his scars run far deeper than anyone realizes. Despite his feelings for her, Stanley believes Marjie deserves a man whose hands are not stained with the violence of battlefields and whose mind and heart are not haunted by the horrors he has seen.

Honor requires Stanley to return once more to the life he has grown to despise, one he knows will destroy him in the end, even as his heart beckons him to stay with Marjie, the only woman he could ever love, and the promise, at last, of redemption.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #3 - Christmas Jars

This beautiful hardcover collector's edition contains the complete text of the best-selling fictional holiday favorite as well as more than twenty true, inspiring stories of people who have experienced the Christmas Jar miracle in their own lives by either giving or receiving an anonymous jar full of coins.

Hope Jensen is a young, single woman and an aspiring newspaper writer, and when she receives a much-needed but anonymous Christmas gift, she's determined to find her benefactor. That search leads her to an unusual family with a longstanding Christmas tradition. Sensing a front-page feature article, Hope desperately wants to publish their story, but doing so would be a breach of trust. What she decides to do will change her life forever.

A classic Christmas tale, Christmas Jars is a heartwarming story that will restore your faith in mankind and make you want to start your own Christmas Jar tradition.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #4 - Celebrate Every Season with Six Sisters' Stuff

From New Year's Eve to Christmas Day, there is always a good reason to celebrate! Whether you're highlighting a favorite holiday of the month, hosting a party, planning a summer picnic outing, or simply wanting to create a few family memories, Celebrate Every Season with Six Sisters' Stuff is the perfect on-stop resource for great food, new traditions, and family fun.

Every month includes flavorful and delicious recipes as well as fun, fast, and easy ideas for celebrating the season with your family, from hosting a "New Year's Eve Family Countdown" to "A Summer Bucket List of 50 Fun Things to Do" to "12 Days of Hot Cocoa for Christmas." Along with some of the Sisters' most popular recipes are all-new creations for refreshing beverages, delicious snacks, succulent entrees, and decadent desserts.

So invite the Six Sisters to your next celebration with this low-stress, go-to guide that can help your family enjoy every month of the year.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #5 - The Little Match Girl

It is Christmas Eve, but for one little girl, there will be no stockings hung lovingly above the fireplace or shiny presents wrapped under the tree. The best that the little match girl can hope for is a warm, dry corner of the street to protect her against the freezing snow that has been falling for hours.

Helpless and cold, the child seeks a bit of comfort from the only source she has—the bundle of matches in her apron pocket. She had struggled all day to sell even one, but the crowds of people had only hurried past her with hardly a glance as they finished up their holiday shopping and rushed home to begin their feasts. Alas, at least she has the matches now, each one holding the promise of a few short seconds of warmth and light.

But as she strikes each match, she discovers a truth that sets her heart soaring—all along, even in times when she has felt most alone, she has been lovingly watched over by those who have gone before her and have anxiously awaited a joyous reunion. She learns she is not forgotten, and in the learning shares a poignant message of love and service. The tender tale of the little match girl reminds each of us to take notice of the least of those among us and to do our part to extend a kindly hand—at Christmastime and always.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway #6 - Holiday Minnie Mouse Ears

Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, my friends at Get Away Today have graciously given me a pair of Holiday Minnie Mouse ears to give away! I would love a pair of these ears, go enter and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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