Spinster's Folly

Marie Owen has just seen her best friend marry her older brother, so she's already wondering about her own future. When her younger sister tells her that she's a spinster at 18 that's the final straw. She goes to her father and practically demands that he find her a husband like he did for all of her older brothers. She does end up betrothed to a man, but she doesn't realize that Tom Morgan would be so unkind and even forward before their engagement is even officially announced, and she wants out of it right away. But Marie knows that she must go through with this wedding because of her demands of her father. When things become unbearable with Tom, she sees a way out with a mysterious stranger, so she takes it. Marie runs away to get married to a man that she believes will be kind and take care of her, but she couldn't have been so wrong. Will her family be able to find her and save her in time, or will it be too late for Marie?

I had no idea when I started reading this book that it was the fourth book in the series. I wondered as I started reading it, but didn't realize until after I had read the whole thing. Luckily you can get the basic idea of what has happened in the other stories from this one! I liked Marie's character mostly, some times I wondered why she was so gullible. I liked the plot and especially the ending. This was a cute love story. 

I received an e-copy of this book from the Whitney Award Committee. 

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