A Blind Eye

Christian Morris has had it with living with his dad. It's as though he doesn't even exist. So he's out on his own, he has an aunt and uncle in Canada that will maybe take him in. But on his way out of town, he stops by the cemetery to tell his mom goodbye, and during that small amount of time he ends up with a stowaway in his car. He doesn't find her until he's on the freeway. She startles him and he leaves her standing on the side of the road. He feels horrible, so he immediately goes back to pick her up, finding her in the same place he left her. It's at this moment that he knows that he's just left a blind girl standing on the side of the road with no way to care for herself. Not the best thing he's ever done. But he picks her back up, and tries to determine where she's come from so that he can decide what to do with her. But that's when things get complicated. She's obviously from England, and she says that she was kidnapped and brought to the United States against her will. Things get dangerous quickly when the girl, Scarlett, hears the voice of one of her kidnappers in the restaurant they choose to get a quick dinner at. Christian knows they are being followed and he knows that he must get Scarlett and himself away from the kidnappers and fast. But when people that have helped them start dying, and Scarlett is dreaming about herself dying, Christian knows the little he can do on his own is not enough, he needs help, but where can he turn?

I really loved this book! I knew from the first chapter that it was going to be one of those books that I wouldn't want to put down until I was finished reading it, and I didn't. The action moves quite quickly in this book, with the characters in peril almost all the time, even if they don't realize it. I thought the titles of the chapters were really clever, all of them are Christian vs something, even if it's just the ladies room. I really liked the ending too, I didn't see the way it ended coming at all. If you want to read a fun, crazy mysterious, clean book, this one is for you!

I was able to borrow this from my local library.

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