Texting Through Time

Micah has "borrowed" his dad's phone. This is not just a phone though, it's an experimental time-travel phone. Micah is showing his sister Alicia the phone and how it works when-bam- they are sent to Brigham Young's boyhood home. It's Brigham's 11th birthday. While it's pretty neat to meat a prophet, before he becomes a prophet, it wasn't so neat when the phone didn't appear to be working anymore. Alicia and Micah are scared and it appears that they will be trapped in the past. The phone does allow them to travel to later events in Brigham's life and the kids are able to see many of the events of Church history that are very neat, still they just want to go home. Along the way they learn many lessons, most importantly that the Lord watches over all of his children. But will Micah and Alicia ever make it back home to their own time and family?

I found the premise of this story clever. How many books out there are there about a time traveling cell phone? This was fun, I also loved that the kids visit Brigham Young, a prophet of the Lord. I can see how this book will get kids more interested in Church History, that's always a good thing! This book is written for the pre-teen/teen age kids, but I loved it also. The characters are fun, I love how they progress through their lessons, picking out what they are supposed to learn from their experiences. I highly recommend this one! I can't wait to read the next Texting Through Time book!

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