Blog Tour: Carnival Girl

My blog is today's stop for Carnival Girl written by Sonja Herbert. This is the true story of Sonja and her family. Sonja's parents, Mutti and Vati, live in post-World War II Germany, they own a Carnival and travel Germany running it, with their five children. Times are not always easy for the family, there's heartache and misery, but there are also happy times. The family lives in a small caravan home that they pull from small town to small town. Life changes constantly for their family, but one thing remains the same for Sonja, her love for Jesus Christ and belief in a God, even though the rest of her family don't believe and even mock her for believing, Sonja always believes in God, prayer, and Jesus. When she meets some missionaries the year that she's 14, their teachings make perfect sense to Sonja and she knows that she wants to be baptized, but because she is so young, she must have her parents permission. Will her parents, who don't believe the way she does be willing to give their permission? Will Sonja be able to find the strength to live life the way that she knows it should be lived? 

I enjoyed this book. I really liked the way that it was written, with today's perspective of Sonja and Mutti and then the story from 1956 that goes along with what they had been reminiscing about. I loved how there were old pictures from when Sonja and her brothers and sisters were small. I loved how Sonja went through all of her trials, including being dropped off in an orphan's home when a very small child, but she was still able to develop faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. This was an amazing book, written by an amazing woman!

Check out the other stops on the blog tour here. Sonja Herbert's website here.  Make sure to come back tomorrow to check out the guest post by Sonja Herbert.

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