
Olivia has known something is wrong with her marriage for a few years. But the final straw is when her husband of 18 years doesn't show up for their anniversary dinner that she worked so hard on. He not only doesn't show up, but he doesn't apologize or even recognize their anniversary in any way. Olivia recognizes that she's been putting everyone but herself first, her husband, her kids. So Olivia decides that it's time she does something for herself and when she's walking late at night by herself in the business district of her town she discovers a little bookstore with a note on the door about a book club that's about to start and she decides on a whim to join. This only pushes her husband, Nick, further from her, which alienates their children. But Olivia is able to realize that she is an important, valuable person, not just because of the work that she does in their home or the charitable things she does for others, but just because she is. I enjoyed this story, I love the idea of the Newport Ladies Book Club series. There will be four books, each about a different character from the Book Club. Each book can stand alone, but the reader will get the whole story from reading every one of the books. I can't wait for more of this fun series!

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