Daughter of Helaman

Keturah is one of four children, the rest are boys. They are Ammonites living in the Nephite lands. They know that the Lamanites are wanting to start a war with the Nephites, but all of their parents have taken oaths that they would never fight again. So they are raising an army, one of all the young men who were just children when their parents took that oath. In the midst of all of this preparing, Keturah is unsure of her place, she would like to fight with her brothers, but her mother keeps making noises about seeing her betrothed and married to her next door neighbor and best friend Zeke. Keturah and Ezekiel  have been best friends ever since they were little children, but she's not sure that she's ready to think about being married to anyone. She just wants to fight and be a good addition to the army. She is eventually able to get her brother Kenai to help train her to fight, but he just thinks that he's training her to protect herself. Soon Keturah will need to be tested, to see if there's anyway she's ready to join the army of Ammonite boys and if they will even allow a girl to join them! This book is one I've wanted to read for awhile, luckily I was able to read a Whitney award e-copy without having to wait for the library to finally get a hard copy! I enjoyed this book, I've read about the Sons of Helaman in the Book of Mormon many times, I liked the perspective of having a Daughter of Helaman. I liked Keturah's character and I liked the subtle romance that was involved in the story.

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