Miles from Ordinary

Lacey is a 13 year old girl. She's excited to start her new job volunteering at the public library, but more than a little scared to have Momma start her new job at the grocery store. They really need any money that her mom can bring in, but her mom's not really normal. She sees and talks to her dad, who died the same day that Lacey was born, this had not always been such a problem, especially when Lacey's Aunt Linda had lived with them. She seemed to have a calming effect on Momma and kind of acted as a surrogate mother to Lacey. Not that Momma didn't love her, just that she spent a lot of time in her own world with grandfather. But Lacey can't even imagine the danger that this wonderful spring day will bring for her. I read this book because it's a Whitney nominee, but I'm not really sure why. I didn't love this one, the whole book seemed just a little strange and off to me, and I found the end really creepy and annoying. 

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