Minor Adjustments

Rachael Renee Anderson is one of my very favorite authors. Her other books Divinely Designed and Luck of the Draw are hilarious just plain fun reads. I would have to include this book in that category also. Devon Pierce is a bachelor, he lives in Chicago, and he runs his own business, which is a very busy kind of life. He can't be a 4 year-old boy's father. But that's exactly what he's about to become. You see, when she was 13 years-old, Lindsay lived with Devon's family for the school year. Devon's family became kind of the ideal family for Lindsay, so fast forward 10 years, she discovers that she's dying and as her last act she leaves her 4 year-old son Ryan to Devon. Now it's up to her Solicitor Stella to convince Devon that it's in Ryan's best interest to live with him, even though it's breaking Stella's heart to have Ryan so far away from her. The first step is to get Devon to try it out for just a couple of weeks, so that he can fall in love with Ryan just as deeply as Stella already has. This was such a fun book, although I did cry near the end, it was just a sweet, cute book. I LOVED it!