The Alias

I read this book, because I found it on a list of Whitney award nominees, and let me just say that this book deserves a Whitney award, I thought that it was amazing! Jacey Grayson is a single mother, she's living in Detroit with her son Blaze. They are living with her best friend Melissa and her daughter Jenny. She's doing what a lot of single mothers do, just making it, working at a diner as a waitress. One day she's contacted by the FBI about her husband, they seem to think that her ex-husband is a drug dealer and also a murderer and that Jacey knows something about his activities, but she's really clueless about him. When she and Melissa talk about it later, they both decide that it would be far too easy for Jacey's ex-husband John to track them down at Melissa's house, so they decide that Jacey needs to go stay with Melissa's estranged relatives on their ranch in Utah. But she's not going as Jacey, she's going as Melissa. This shouldn't be a problem, because they've never even met Melissa. Jacey's not so sure about lying to them, but decides for her and Blaze's safety that it would be for the best for them to think she was Melissa. What she doesn't plan on is for both her and Blaze to fall in love with Melissa's whole family and to actually feel a part of a family, she hadn't had that since her own parent's died when she was a young child. I really enjoyed this story. It was a beautiful story and there were parts that I didn't see coming. I can't wait to read more books by Mandi Tucker Slack!