Flashback Week: The Seventeen Second Miracle

This was probably my favorite Jason Wright book so far, that's why I've included it in my flashback week. I saw a coupon for this one for about $5 I might have to go get it! One of my favorites for sure!

Jason Wright is one of my very favorite authors. His characters seem so real, you feel as though you know them, and I always care enough about them that I cry in the end. This was one of those kinds of books. 17 seconds can change a life, that was the lesson that Cole's dad, Rex taught him as a child. So you need to take those 17 seconds and do good things for people. Cole has a class that he invites the local high school principal to choose students for. He never knows why the students are there, the students don't either for that matter. This particular year there are three, wheel chair bound Travis, Kendra and Miles. Miles and Kendra are dating. I loved the lessons that these three teenagers learn in 17 second spurts. Such a great book!