What Happened to Goodbye

McClean Sweet is a senior in high school, she thought her life was perfect until 2 years ago, when her mom cheated on her dad with the coach of her dad's favorite college basketball team and her family's restaurant closed down forever. Now she lives with her dad and travels with him, he's a consultant for a restaurant company. He's in charge of making new restaurants bought by the company profitable or closing down restaurants that aren't profitable. They've lived in 3 towns in the last couple of years and are just moving into their 4th town as the story starts. McClean is having a hard time finding herself, so in each new town she becomes a new and different person. It's not just the name, Beth Sweet, Lizbet Sweet, Eliza Sweet, it's a whole different personality including likes and dislikes, she's happy to be able to move each time and start all over with a new name, personality, and friends. She doesn't really get to close to anyone, because she knows she's just going to be moving again anyway. But this new move is different, she's chosen a new name, Liz Sweet, and is going about making up her personality, when she accidentally tells her neighbor and boy next door, Dave, her real name which makes it almost impossible to become someone else, but is McClean ready to just be herself and let people know the real her. She must face up to who she really is and discover just what happened to goodbye. I really liked the story of this book. The language wasn't the greatest, it wasn't really disgusting or I wouldn't have finished this book. I really wish all the New York Times bestselling author's didn't think they needed to have language in their books. It's kind of like the PG movie that they figure no one will go see, so they add in language enough to make it PG-13 and think more people will go see it!
