
I'm guessing this is the last book in this trilogy, mostly because of how it ended. The historical fiction books in this series, Traitor,Tribunal, and Trespass are about the second world war. Natalie and Hans have just gotten engaged, but are torn apart by Victor Rostov who's been chasing them through all three books. Hans decided to give up his freedom so that Natalie could be free and go home to America where she belonged. Little did he know that Victor Rostov has kidnapped her and forced her to live in Russia, working as a nurse and living in deplorable circumstances, all because he has determined that she had a Russian father. He kidnaps her from her cousin's house and tells her that her fiancée is dead. He doesn't do all of this out of greed however, his daughter has been taken and sent to a work camp to make him do what the Russian leaders want him to do. They want Hans to make a bomb and they originally wanted Natalie to become a Russian citizen, but for some reason that has changed. Now they just want Natalie dead, and what will become of his daughter, Lucya at the camps. I really enjoyed this story of love and friendship. I enjoyed seeing just how far humans will go to get what they want. You definitely need to read these in order, though or they will make no sense!