Mr Darcy, Vampyre

Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favorite books, I've read lots of spin offs, this was one I happened to find on the library's website last week. It starts off on Elizabeth and Jane's wedding day, they have a double wedding, of course. They are both eager and ready to start their new lives as married women away from their very annoying mother. As soon as the weddings are over, they've had a meal at Elizabeth's and Jane's house, and they've cut the cake, Darcy is ready to leave. They had planned to tour the lake district on their wedding tour, but at the last minute Darcy decides to take Elizabeth to France. Thus starting Elizabeth's adventures to France and Italy. But Darcy seems to be acting strangely, he doesn't seem to be the man Elizabeth married and she's not sure why. None of her letters to Jane are being answered, but she determines that that's because they have been traveling all over and none have caught up with them yet. This was a fun, exciting book and if you can't tell from the title, Darcy does turn out to be a vampyre, I had a hard time with that at first, but I really enjoyed how it all worked out in the end!