The Silence of God

I wasn't sure about this book.  It's historical fiction about Russia in the 1900's.  The book is about a real family, the Lindlofs.  They are a wealthy family who happened to be the first and only Latter-Day Saint family in Russia.  The book starts off with a prayer of dedication of the country, in this prayer the Tsar Nicholas was blessed, and in that first little bit of the book, I knew exactly what was going to happen in the end.  Of course, I didn't know the twists and turns the book was going to take in getting to that point, but the Tsar Nicholas was the father of Anastasia, and of course, their whole family was murdered, such a sad story, but I digress.  I did enjoy this book, it was sad, but it was good.  The Lindlofs lived in a very tumultuous time in Russian history, the government was over run by the Bolsheviks, it would have been a very scary and unsettled time for anyone living in the country, but much worse for anyone that believed in God.  The Bolsheviks whole purpose was to take God out of the country, and they did such a good job of it that the people of Russia, as a whole, still are very wary of anything to do with God, but I believe it's getting better!